BlueCielo Meridian GCF/SharePoint 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Registering the Meridian Enterprise extensions

The Meridian Enterprise extensions that are included in the Global Collaboration Framework are described in Understanding the Meridian Enterprise extensions.

To register the extensions in a vault:

  1. In Configurator, register each extension located in <Setup>\Meridian\Extensions as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide.
  2. Close the Meridian Enterprise Configurator.

Note    The Gcf Events extension should not be registered if the existing VBScript code (including event handlers) will be retained and modified as described in Migrating custom VBScript code to Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1.

Note    During registration of the GCF Configuration extension, all properties and privileges required by the Global Collaboration Framework are created. For descriptions of these objects, see GCF properties and GCF privileges.

Note    The Collaboration Status extension is automatically applied to all document types upon registration.

Note    The GCF WA extension is automatically applied to all work area templates upon registration.

Note The GCF Folder extension is not automatically applied to any folder types. You must apply it to the appropriate folder types. The extension should only be applied to one folder type in the path for any specified document. We recommend that you apply to project root folder types only. For example, specified a document path of \<Plant>\<Area>\<Building>\<FileName>.<Ext>, apply the extension to the folder type for the <Plant> or <Area> or <Building> folder levels but not to the folder types of more than one of the folder levels.

Registering the extension creates the properties described in GCF properties. This extension does not need to be registered for GCF/SharePoint since it does not support folder replication.

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